Tampa Bay Independent Film. The Standard of independent filmmaking in Tampa Bay.
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Tampa Bay Film - Reviews -


Reviews of independent films, film festivals, indie film industry events, the Tampa Bay independent film scene, independent filmmakers, independent film production companies, web sites, publications, books, and more. Reviews of event and film festivals also include coverage and interviews.

Films - Reviews of independent films, with an emphasis on films produced in Tampa Bay by independent filmmakers. Speaking of those indie filmmakers........
Filmmakers - Reviews and profiles of Tampa Bay independent filmmakers, such as Paul Guzzo, Pete Guzzo, Jon Wolding, Chris Woods, Joe Davison, John Miller, Terence Nuzum, Andy Lalino, Rod Grant, Rick Danford, and many more!
Production Companies - Reviews of Tampa Bay independent film production companies.
Film Festivals - Reviews of film festivals in the Tampa Bay area. We are thinking of splitting this into categories such as “film festivals” and “independent film festivals”, because there is obviously a big difference. Most large film festivals in the Bay area, in our opinion, do not support independent film and indie filmmaking in the Tampa Bay area, and are more about importing outside films and selling the area as a filmmaking location to outside production companies; our opinion is that they merely humor local filmmakers. Most of them also try to emulate Hollywood, which is lame, and we can’t wait to review them! Of course, with a network of interconnected film festivals, and underground film festivals, coming from Tampa Bay Film, soon, the bar for film festivals will be raised much higher!
Events - Reviews of independent film events in Tampa Bay. Other than the Florida Film Network, the defunct Tampa Film Network, and Florida Film Network Tampa Bay, there are not that many of these when compared to film festivals, since most of these actually do focus on independent filmmaking in Tampa Bay, and, in our opinion, the large film festivals are about other things. Independent film events in Tampa Bay will increase, however, with the networking part of the Tampa Bay Film Showcase monthly film festival and professional networking event series and the annual Tampa Bay Film Conference , the latter being a Tampa Bay independent film industry event, which will both set the standard for the market, and the industry.
Film Schools - Reviews of Tampa Bay film schools, as well as the ones in Florida. In our opinion, most of these are massive wastes of time and money, and are a poor value, as most of them charge a lot of money and try to teach aspiring filmmakers how to make movies the Hollywood way! This doesn’t work, and history is proving it.
Workshops - Reviews of Independent filmmaking workshops. These are like smaller, less expensive, and more interactive film schools, and are often a much better value as the focus is on more realistic independent filmmaking. Tampa Bay Film will be offering independent filmmaking workshops free of charge, however, so there will not be a better value than that.
Publications - Reviews of indie film publications. Most independent filmmaking books and magazines that we have seen, however, are boring and not very relevant to making actual independent films. Well, the bright side is that Tampa Bay Film has an online independent film publication called Tampa Film Revolution, so...........
Web Sites - Reviews of independent film web sites. Well, except for Tampa Bay Film and our online publication, Tampa Film Revolution, there really are not any independent film web sites about the Tampa Bay area, except if you dare to try to count the Florida Film Network into that definition. Please, do dare......
Tampa Bay Indie Film Scene by year - Reviews of the Tampa Bay independent film scene year by year. Filmmaker Chris Woods actually came up with this idea, and did a review of the independent film scene back in 2005. Sadly, he never did anymore. We’ll take it from here!

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Records of our claims, creation dates, and ownership history are on file, and are documented; they cannot be disputed or ignored. Work on Tampa Bay Film and on our intellectual properties officially began in 2006, although the origins of our properties go back even further, and Tampa Bay Film officially launched on January 11, 2007, although this operating domain name is the third location of our web site, established in 2013, and it is not the original.
This web site has been designed from scratch to be conflict-hardened and effective in prosecuting conflicts, engineered from the lessons gleaned during the conflicts of our early years, which we won. It is designed to be resistant to being attacked and to fight and eliminate scams and unethical conduct in the independent film industry. As a Revolution Class site, it is the first 3rd Generation talent resource site and a late 3rd Generation web site; both descriptions representing different definitions.
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